Trent University

美 [trɛnt ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːrsəti]英 [trɛnt ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti]
  • 网络特伦特;特伦特大学;彼得伯勒
Trent UniversityTrent University
  1. Recent Nottingham Trent University research revealed that Beijing weather could have improved athletes brains .


  2. This is excellent news and a massive boost for sport at Nottingham Trent University .


  3. Nottingham Trent University has today been named the UK 's most environmentally friendly university in a national league table .


  4. Nottingham Trent University has played a key role in the city 's successful bid to host a global exhibition of young artists .


  5. Representative of Trent University visited Huamei-Bond International College and gave an introduction lecture , which benefited the students a lot .


  6. The highest increase in good looks were for men who were the most out of the shape , according to researchers at Nottingham Trent University .


  7. The Scale was designed jointly by psychologists from Norway 's University of Bergen with colleagues from Nottingham Trent University .


  8. Centalum ( 2-methyl-1-phenyl-3-butyne-1,2-diol ) The video is about Nottingham Trent University .


  9. World-class sporting facilities at Nottingham Trent University are being listed in a pre-Games Training Camp Guide ahead of the2012 Olympics in London .


  10. Nottingham Trent University psychologist Dr Andrew Dunn told the Daily Mail : The effect was most notable for normal men with a waist as wide as their shoulders .


  11. Researchers at Nottingham Trent University found that when men wore white t-shirts with a large black letter " T " printed on the front , women found them 12 % more attractive .


  12. Nottingham Trent University psychologist Dr Andrew Dunn told the Daily Mail : " The effect was most notable for normal men with a waist as wide as their shoulders .


  13. Dr Martin Goldberg , microbiology lecturer at Nottingham Trent University warns : ' The bacterium Bacillus cereus , found on some rice , can survive the cooking process .


  14. Nottingham Trent University 's School of Art and Design currently has eight graduates representing the UK at the XIV Biennale of Young Artists in Skopje in the Republic of Macedonia .


  15. Dr Martin Goldberg , microbiology lecturer at Nottingham Trent University warns : ' The bacterium Bacillus cereus , found on some rice , can survive the cooking process . As rice cools , the spores germinate and produce a neurotoxin that can make you horribly sick .
